Web Development Trends, Every Web Developer Should be Aware of


When you are a website developer you have to remain updated with the latest market trends to make your work stand out in the crowd. Technology is improving every day and you must be aware of Web Development Trends we see new things and concepts being materialized by the smartest of minds in the website development industry.


Web development is a mixture of creativity and technical expertise to produce something different in the market. 

Web Development Trends

Web Development Trends

Ever since e-commerce became popular, businesses today need more web developers to make their business successful on various online platforms.

If the Web developer is using the latest technologies and trends, he can create something that will benefit his customer as well as himself. 

Top 5 Trends for Web Developers

Here are some of the latest trends that every Web developer should know of. 

  • Development Of Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) allow Web developers to create a website that is compatible with every device. Users will not have to install special features or extensions to use the website on desktop computers or their mobile phones. This easy use of websites is particularly important for businesses. 

As the number of mobile users is increasing rapidly, more people are using their mobile phones to search for businesses. If a business’s website is not compatible with the smartphone interface, Internet users will automatically shift towards the competitor’s websites for their ease. Although this feature is not the latest in the market, it never goes out of trend. 

  • Voice Search Optimization 

Previously, voice commands were used by iOS users more often as compared to android users. This was because Siri was only compatible with iPhones.

Today, Google Voice command search, Amazon’s Alexa, and Samsung’s Bixby Voice command allow users to rely more on talking and less on typing. Truly so, it is more convenient for the users. 

If the Web developers are considering this trend while developing a website, they will create a website that is compatible with the Voice command note, making it easier for the users to use that particular website. 

  • Utilizing Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and bots technology are improving every day. Web developers are actively using this technology to provide better marketing strategies for their customers. Bigger e-commerce companies have already been using this technology to reach out to targeted users, for example,  Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Whatsapp’s chatbox are common examples. 

Using the bots can help businesses gather information about the users and provide them with better searches and targeted products. 

  • Automation Testing 

Web technologies aim to make the Web development process easier and cheaper. With Web development products from bigger companies available in the market, most developers are looking for cloud options to store their Web development process, so that their job becomes easier and less time-consuming in the future. 

Companies have state-of-the-art products that are Atlassian specialized. Developers can sign up for training programs offered by the companies like Blended Perspectives if they require guidance for a particular product. 

Automation testing is one such feature that allows developers to test their websites and detect any possible problems timely. It can tell developers whether their product is practical and ready for launching in the market or not. 

  • Push Notifications 

The push notifications feature is particularly popular in social media applications and gaming applications. This feature allows users to get notified whenever there is a development in the application they are using, making them more active users. However, the latest trend is that the push notifications feature is to be used in Web development.  

This will allow businesses to make their website more interesting and responsive to the users. Whenever a business launches a sale or updates its product list, the customers will be notified. This is another marketing strategy that can be materialized using web development.

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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