

www.Citicom/RefundInquiry – Hello guys, welcome back to another exciting and informative post on Geekinsm, today we are going to explain to you the refund inquiry for Citi bank that can be accessed via the official site www.citi.com/refundinquiry for Citi Refund Inquiry and you can submit a claim for getting the potential refund without doing extra efforts.


As you guys are aware one thing is, Citi bank is an American multinational banking and financial corp. Citi first started in 1812 and now Citi bank owns more than 700 branches in the United States of America and over 2600 branches in the different top 19 countries.


Citi bank offers multiple financial services to the users such as Credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, commercial loans, personal lines of credit, and plenty of other financial things online on their official portal called www.citi.com/refundinquiry for Citi Refund Inquiry at www.Citicom/RefundInquiry.

Citi also comes with different variety of accounts for their valuable customers to choose from and each of them offers unique features that are suitable for different customers.

How to Claim Refund & Citi Refund Inquiry at www.Citicom/RefundInquiry?



  1. All you need to do is to, visit the refund inquiry portal provided by the bank, and all you need to do is to open the browser and enter [www.Citicom/RefundInquiry] if you have received the letter then locate the link called “Submit a Claim for potential refund” and tap on it.
  2. Now the form will open and you need to fulfill the required details.
  3. You will need the reference number which is mentioned on your notification which you had received, your name, and contact and account details.
  4. Once, done with everything mentioned above, simply submit Your Form.

www.Citicom/RefundInquiry Notes

  • Every user must enroll in the AccountCare, Balance Protector, Credit Protection, Payment SafeGuard, Credit Protector, PaymentAid, Citi IdentityMonitor, Watch-Guard Preferred, and job loss protection services.
  • Citi customers can also file a claim by dialing one toll-free number that is found on the back of the Citi credit card.
  • Those users who got the refund inquiry letter from Citi but lost the reference number can also dial 1-888-849-1215.
  • www.Citicom/RefundInquiry can also be used to update the address.
  • The amount of money anyone can claim will get is not known at this time.


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So now you have the complete information about Citi Refund Inquiry at www.Citicom/RefundInquiry because on the official website called “www.citi.com/refundinquiry”, you can win GTA money and more lives than simply following the above guide and you are good to go.

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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