5 Ways Supporting Charities Can Help Businesses


Supporting Charities Can Help Businesses – In recent times, an increase in numerous sources of information and awareness campaigns has made consumers more conscious of their choices. The consumer behavior of millennials today exhibits informed decisions and preferences toward purchasing from responsible businesses.


Your potential customers are likely to be more interested in your brand because they see your organization giving back to the community. 70% of the customers, according to research, are seen spending on brands that are charitable and working towards a good cause. 

Several reasons you may want to build or strengthen your business’ charitable plans include an overall sense of responsibility, increased motivation and teamwork among workers, and increased sales and tax deductions.

5 Ways Supporting Charities Can Help Businesses 

Supporting Charities Can Help Businesses

However, the primary reason behind the charity is that it feels good and fulfilling to be a part of a worthwhile cause.

How Supporting Charities Can Help Businesses to Grow

Let’s have a look at some of the many ways in which supporting charities can help grow your business:

  • Enhances Brand Image

Improving your brand image can help build a loyal customer base and increase the conversion rate of your potential buyers to regular ones. Supporting a good cause and sponsoring a charity can help create a favorable reputation for your brand. The organization or event holding the charity will promote your business in the partnership’s name, and the community’s people will learn about your good intentions. You can sponsor charitable events and post them on social media to make your efforts known. 

If you don’t know where to start, we suggest you establish donor advised fund with Crewe Foundation. They are a 501(c)(3) public charity and will help you implement and design effective plans with other account services. Demonstrating the desire to help can be conducive to defining your corporate identity as a responsible and thoughtful business. It reflects on the overall brand image of your company, developing a positive statement in its favor. While doing good to the community, your organization also gains a marketing advantage. It is a sort of free marketing or publicity, as it garners attention from informed consumers who further spread the word.

  • Increases Customer Loyalty

Customer retention is one of the entrepreneurs’ biggest focuses when establishing a perfect growth rate for their businesses. As marketing and advertisement work towards catching the eye of potential buyers, the activities of the business help retain current customers. Doing charity and being a part of essential donations helps build a brand image, which makes the current customers proud of being supporters of a responsible business. They feel like they’re a part of something essential because money from their purchase has made it to some portion of the charity.

Giving back to the community helps build an emotional connection with your stakeholders, including your customers. Today customers are more aware of the operations that happen inside the business, and they prefer ethical companies supporting a similar cause. Sponsoring charitable events and generous donations adds value to your company and helps it stand out. The competitive advantage helps consumers differentiate between you and your rivals. It shows customers that you genuinely care about the community, so create charitable plans and spend a fixed percentage of your profit on a good cause. 

  • Broadens Networks and Collaborations 

One factor that defines the company’s growth is its resources, opportunities, and connections with homogenous types of businesses. Giving charity helps build networks and collaboration between organizations that work for similar causes. Exposure to that can help entrepreneurs set new benchmarks and become acquainted with a reputable business. For instance, if you partake in a fundraising event in an area where your business doesn’t have existing connections, you can get new suppliers and customers to get involved and broaden your network. 

You will increase brand visibility and attract new customers and top-cream employees by showcasing responsible operations. Through networking, you can increase the number of opportunities that come your way and work your way upward toward prosperity. Sponsoring charitable events and volunteering for them also improves internal collaborations and inclusivity among employees. They become engaged and usually actively participate in widening their connections among peers and working towards a worthwhile cause. 

  • Boosts Employee Morale 

Corporate donations and participating in charitable interests help build employee morale and boost their motivation to stay focused on the business goal. They start to believe that their efforts in their daily task somehow do contribute to the well-being of the community. Your employees are a massive part of your business, and if your business is a part of something great, they also feel meaningful. Corporate charities have instilled a positive attitude in workers and improved workplace culture. These events call for volunteer activities, and usually, employees love to participate in widening their internal and external professional networks. 

Employees’ retention rate also increases when businesses sponsor charities because it increases their respect for the company they work in. It adds to their emotional attachment to their work leading to loyalty and motivation. Being able to partake in volunteer activities helps in their self-growth and development, too, since they feel the satisfaction of giving back to the community. Especially if a charity is specifically relatable to someone in the team, it helps improve inclusivity. You can do several things as volunteer activities that can be of charitable cause and improve employee morale, such as Comic Relief, food drives, sponsoring charity homes, fundraising activities, etc. 

  • Tax Deductions 

Businesses are always looking for ways to receive tax deductions to increase their earnings after tax. Donations are a way to receive tax deductions, as most charities are tax-deductible. You can reduce your taxable income by following a few simple steps. First, make sure you donate cash or property to registered charity organizations and maintain a bank record of the receipt with organization details. Include all costs spent on the charity event, including building rent, parking costs, event fees, and food and drinks costs; it will all account for the charity. 

However, follow the rules closely so you don’t end up evading tax and getting into trouble. In volunteering projects, you can get a tax deduction on the amount spent on mileage driven to volunteer work and the cost spent on material for the project, such as gardening tools for plantation drives, etc. You need to make sure that IRS approves the organization you work with, or else you wouldn’t be able to claim a tax deduction. 


In conclusion, donations and charities are a great way to give back to the community, and the added benefits to the business for sponsoring them make it all worth it. From tax deductions to increased sales, you can get all the benefits. It helps maintain a positive reputation which builds brand image and improves customer loyalty. 

It is also conducive to productivity within the organization as it increases employee morale and gives your business a chance to spread out and build a web of its network. And lastly, it caters to the demands of current customers who are willing to make more informed decisions and prefer responsible businesses to purchase from.

So now you know everything about Supporting Charities Can Help Businesses and if you still have any queries or feedback then drop your queries in the comment section below.

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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