Model Drift in Machine Learning – What is it & How it Works?


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Model Drift in Machine Learning

Model Drift in Machine Learning

Machine learning monitoring has become the main driver of management decisions as we reach a world ruled by data and analytics. And, like any other business strat, these models must be altered over time due to a technological phenomenon known as ‘Model Drift.’

The connection between the input variables and the predictor variable evolves throughout time, in essence. As a consequence of this drift, the model becomes unstable, and the estimates become progressively wrong over each passing time.

What are the choices you have for coping with this?

The best way of dealing with this problem is to keep re-fitting the models. An estimate of when drift begins to creep into the model can be formed based on previous experiences. The model can be actively re-developed to reduce the dangers of drift. 

Financial models that use current transactions to determine particular parameters can include features that give more value to transactions made and less weight to older transactions. 

This not only guarantees that such a model is stable but it also assures that it is accurate. Modelling the change itself is a more complicated methodology for combating model drift and machine learning monitoring. 

  • ‘Concept drift’ is a term used to describe how ideas change over time. When the statistical features of the target attribute. The original model is kept stable and being used as a preliminary step. New models can then be built to adjust the estimates of this test set as a consequence of perspective in recent data.
  • This happens because of change. This is seen if the description of the statistic that is being attempted to anticipate changes. The model will no longer work as well.
  • The term ‘data drift’ refers to how data evolves. This occurs when the predictors’ statistical features change. The model will surely fail if the significant underlying discrepancies are not addressed.

While waiting for a problem to happen isn’t the most elegant method, it’s the only option when using modern technology and machine learning monitoring and without any past data to predict when things will go wrong. 

When a problem occurs, an examination into what happened can be done, and modifications can be made to avoid similar problems from occurring again. These seasons should be used to retrain the machine learning monitoring. 

Credit-lending organizations, for example, must have special plans in a position to deal with the significant shift in population around the holidays. One instance is when one’s personal choices change, which is similar to the phone case mentioned earlier.

The machine learning monitoring mode can be manual or automated, with alarms and messages triggered anytime unexpected anomalies are detected. 


This leads to the conclusion of this piece. ‘Change is the only constant,’ as famously stated. Keeping this in mind, the organizations that are eager to accept and manage these changes will be the ones to prosper.

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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