How to Sell Copywriting Services? A Professional Way


Hey there! So you’re a copywriter looking to start selling your skills and services, am I right? Well, you’ve come to the right place! As you can learn how to sell copywriting services by following our professional methods.


As a fellow copywriter, I totally get it. Getting your business off the ground can feel overwhelming in the beginning. You might be wondering: How do I find clients? What do I charge? How do I convince them to hire me? Trust me, I’ve been in your shoes!

But here’s the good news – with the right strategy in place, you absolutely can build a thriving copywriting business. I’m going to walk you through exactly how to do that…step-by-step. Consider this your blueprint for copywriting success!

How to Sell Copywriting Services?

How to Sell Copywriting Services

You Can’t Miss to Learn from This Guide:

Let’s Learn How to Sell Copywriting Services?

In this guide, we’ll cover everything from identifying your ideal clients, crafting proposals, setting rates, building your portfolio, and more.

I’ll share plenty of real-world examples and tangible tips you can implement right away. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your existing business, you’ll discover proven techniques to lock down more clients and start making more money.

So get excited! By the end, you’ll have all the tools, templates, and knowledge needed to get your copywriting career off the ground.

Let’s dive in and start landing you some great clients!

What Will You Get from This Guide:

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover how to:

  • Understand your ideal client
  • Craft a compelling offer
  • Set your pricing
  • Develop an effective sales process
  • Build your client base
  • And much more!

By the end, you’ll have a complete roadmap for marketing your services confidently and landing great clients. Let’s dive in!

Know Your Ideal Client:

The first step is getting very clear on who you want to serve. Ask yourself:

  • What types of businesses will I work with?
  • What are their goals and pain points?
  • What results can I help them achieve?

Some examples of ideal copywriting clients:

  • Ecommerce Companies: Need product descriptions, web copy, email campaigns, etc. Want to drive online sales?
  • SaaS Companies: Require landing pages, website copy, and case studies. Looking to capture more leads and trials.
  • Bloggers/Publishers: Need blog posts, articles, and whitepapers. Trying to grow traffic and readership.
  • Local Service Businesses: Require web copy, ads, and sales letters. Want more calls/appointments?

Look for businesses that already have an online presence and are trying to optimize it. They recognize quality copy is important but may lack the in-house skills.

That’s where you come in!

Truly Understand Their Business Needs:

Truly Understand Their Business Needs

Your clients will generally fall into one of three categories:

1. Beginners

These folks know they need a better copy but aren’t sure where to start. Common pain points include:

  • Don’t have a website yet or a very outdated site.
  • No strategy for content/copy.
  • Don’t understand what a good copy looks like.
  • Tried DIY copywriting without success.

Your job is to educate them on the investment needed and set clear expectations. Explain how to copy ties into their overall marketing strategy and goals.

2. Intermediates

These clients likely invested in copy already but need help improving it. Some pain points:

  • Have a website but conversion rates are low
  • The copy is outdated and doesn’t reflect current offerings
  • Marketing deliverables like emails are bland

Offer a “refresh” by auditing their current copy and making strategic recommendations. Show them exactly how you’ll create conversion-focused copy tailored to their brand.

3. Advanced

The existing copy works well but they want more of it, faster. Common needs:

  • Looking to scale through increased volume
  • Need copy for new products or campaigns quickly
  • Want to accelerate results from copy

Assess their situation for the biggest ROI opportunity and target your efforts there. Show them how you can rapidly produce quality copy at scale.

Avoid the “Evangelist” Trap

When selling your services, avoid trying to convince skeptical businesses of the power of copy. This is an uphill battle.

Instead, look for those already sold on copywriting and its impact. They recognize copy as a worthwhile investment, not just an extra expense.

Otherwise, you’ll have to do all the heavy lifting of educating them on the value of copy. This likely won’t convert to a sale or will result in lower project fees.

Focus on selling to those already committed to copywriting. It will be a much easier path to securing clients.

Price According to the Problem You Solve:

Price According to the Problem You Solve

Some tips on pricing your copywriting services competitively:

  • Hourly, project fee, and retainer models all work. Choose what best fits your client’s needs.
  • For reference, project fees often range from:
    • $100 – $2000 per email
    • $100 – $3000 per webpage

You can price above or below this based on your experience and clients. But it gives you an idea of typical market rates.

To justify higher fees:

  • Take on more scope – more pages, products, languages, etc.
  • Increase complexity – detailed research, multiple revisions, rapid turnarounds
  • Demonstrate huge revenue potential you can help them capture

To keep fees more affordable:

  • The client already has a copy, you’re just refreshing it
  • Have in-house marketing so you’re just providing writing
  • The project is relatively straightforward

Ultimately, tie your pricing to the size of the problem you’re solving for a client. Quantify your impact and value.

Follow a Clear Sales Process

Follow a Clear Sales Process

A simple yet effective copywriting sales process:

  1. Identify Target Clients: Research prospects with clear content needs or pain points. Create a target client profile.
  2. Make Initial Outreach: Email, LinkedIn, etc. Introduce yourself and start a conversation about working together.
  3. Confirm Pain Points: Schedule a call to discuss their needs in depth. Ask questions and validate you can help.
  4. Close the Deal: Propose a solution, pricing, and next steps. Follow up promptly to move them forward.
  5. Start Writing: Onboard client ASAP and kick off the first project. Focus on delivering value, not red tape.

Avoid trying to strong-arm prospects through this process. Make their buying decision incredibly easy. Be helpful, not sales.

The faster you can move a qualified prospect from an initial conversation to the paid client, the better.

Build Your Client Base

Ways to start building your copywriting clientele:

Tap Into Your Existing Networks

  • Reach out to friends, family, and previous colleagues and let them know you’re taking on clients.
  • Ask for introductions to their contacts who may need copywriting help.
  • Promote your services through your social media and professional profiles.

Join Freelance/Small Biz Networks

  • Create a compelling profile on sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer and bid on projects.
  • Consider joining your local chamber of commerce to connect with small business owners.
  • Attend local startup/entrepreneur events to meet potential clients.

Run Targeted Promotions

  • Advertise on Facebook/Instagram, targeting your ideal client demographics and interests.
  • Send cold emails/LinkedIn messages introducing your services and offering free consultation.
  • Guest posts on niche blogs read by your targets and promote your company.

Partner With Complementary Services

  • Offer your copywriting as an add-on service for web design agencies, marketing firms, etc.
  • Collaborate on client projects to provide an all-in-one solution.

Become a Trusted Marketing Partner

Become a Trusted Marketing Partner

Position yourself as more than just a wordsmith. Demonstrate to clients you understand the full marketing process.

Walk Clients Through Your Process:

Explain your methodology from start to finish. Highlight key touchpoints like:

  • Establishing measurable goals
  • Research and strategy session
  • Writing drafts and revisions
  • Follow-up tracking and optimization

Show them you have a proven system to deliver an amazing copy.

Proactively Manage Everything

Don’t make clients hunt you down or manage all the logistics. Take the initiative on:

  • Scheduling calls/meetings
  • Sending drafts and reminders
  • Coordinating with other vendors

Guide them seamlessly through each project phase.

Ensure Clear Accountability:

Agree on measurable targets upfront based on their KPIs. Track results and optimize.

Taking this consultative approach positions you as a strategic marketing partner, not just an order taker. This can justify higher retainers and fees.

Recap and Next Steps

Let’s review the key points:

  • Identify and target your ideal type of client.
  • Understand their goals, pain points, and budget.
  • Avoid serving skeptical, uneducated prospects.
  • Price your copywriting according to the scope and value.
  • Follow a simple yet professional sales process.
  • Leverage your networks and promotions to build a client base.
  • Position yourself as a true marketing consultant.

The Importance of Your Portfolio

A robust portfolio is absolutely essential for any copywriter. Here’s how to develop an impressive portfolio that convinces prospects:

  • Include diverse writing samples – Showcase a range of projects like ads, emails, landing pages, blog posts, etc. This highlights your versatility as a copywriter.
  • Show before/after examples – If possible, include original pieces of copy and demonstrate how you improved them. This really sells your skills.
  • Get client testimonials – Gather positive feedback from previous clients on the work you’ve done. Testimonials build trust and credibility.
  • Update frequently – Add new projects as you complete them. Keep your portfolio fresh and reflective of your current skills.
  • Optimize for skimming – Make sure your portfolio is easy to skim quickly. Use concise summaries and ample whitespace.

Having a knock-out portfolio helps you stand out from other copywriters. It shows prospects tangible examples of what you can do for them. Invest time in polishing your portfolio and feature it prominently in your pitch.

Define Your Copywriting Niche

Focusing on a particular industry or type of copy helps you provide more value:

  • Pick an industry vertical – Become a specialist in financial, tech, medical, or other industry copy. This shows your expertise.
  • Specialize in a format – For example, email copy, blog posts, web pages, social media, etc. Tout your specialty.
  • Highlight niche knowledge – With a niche, you can showcase insider knowledge of that topic and terminology. This builds authority.
  • Curate industry samples – Make sure your portfolio has relevant samples of that specialty. Don’t try to be generic.
  • Speak their language – Use industry buzzwords and lingo when selling your services. This establishes credibility.

Defining a tight copywriting niche allows you to really understand clients’ worlds. You can tailor your services directly to their needs and stand out from generic copywriters.

Outline an Ideal Client Onboarding Process

Walk prospects through what onboarding looks like:

  • Kickoff call – Align on goals, timeline, brand voice, and key points to hit. Get all critical info.
  • Request access – Ask for logins, products, past examples, and style guides needed to complete the project.
  • Propose outline – Send a proposed outline or content structure for approval before writing.
  • Share initial drafts – When ready, send over the intro/conclusion or other short sections to confirm you’re on the right track.
  • Check-ins – Schedule regular check-ins on progress, feedback, and questions during the writing process.
  • Request testimonial – Upon completion, ask for a testimonial speaking to your work and results.

Having a polished onboarding process demonstrates your professionalism to clients. And it ensures projects start smoothly.

Share Tips for Copywriting Proposals

Compelling proposals convince prospects to hire you:

  • Grab attention upfront – Start with an intro paragraph hooking the prospect and stating your purpose.
  • Emphasize their pains – Use their own words to illustrate you understand their challenges and frustrations.
  • Present your solution – Explain exactly how you’ll help resolve those issues if hired. Get specific.
  • Include team bios – Share brief background on key team members, especially the lead copywriter. Build trust through credentials.
  • Provide case studies – When possible, include examples of similar clients you’ve successfully helped. Social proof is powerful.
  • Outline timeline – Define major milestones and dates for completing the project. Proactiveness is attractive.
  • Specify pricing – Be transparent about your rates and payment terms upfront. No surprises.

Having go-to proposal templates makes responding to prospects efficient and professional.

Talk About Expanding Services Over Time

Mention how you can expand offerings once established:

  • Content strategy help – Offer content planning, messaging strategy, and editorial calendars to clients.
  • Copyediting services – Provide editing, proofreading, and citation checks for in-house writers.
  • Marketing automation – Assist with setting up email workflows, lead flows, and tagging in platforms.
  • Consulting calls – Have short paid sessions to advise on copy, and offer feedback on in-progress projects.
  • Brand style guides – Create brand messaging guidelines and content style guides.

Highlighting expanded services shows prospects your long-term value. And gives you room to grow revenue over time per client.


I hope this guide gives you a blueprint for selling your copywriting services successfully.

The most important next step is to simply get started! Identify a few potential clients, craft outreach messages, and line up your first conversations.

It takes consistent practice to refine your sales skills and messaging. But by providing real value, you’ll be attracting great clients in no time.

Let me know if you have any other questions! related to this guide on “How to Sell Copywriting Services” I’m happy to help you start growing your copywriting business.

Good luck!

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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