How to Save Images From Google Slides?


Have you ever created an amazing Google Slides presentation with the perfect images, only to later realize you don’t have those images saved anywhere else?


Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us! Luckily, there are several easy ways to save images from your Google Slides and reuse them for other projects.

How to Save Images From Google Slides?

How to Save Images From Google Slides

In this article, we’ll walk you through four simple methods to extract images from Google Slides, so you can always have access to your favorite visuals.

How to Save Images From Google Slides Using the Download Tool?

Google Slides comes with a handy built-in feature that lets you download an entire slide as an image. Think of it like taking a snapshot of everything on that slide.

Here’s how to use this tool:

  1. Open up your Google Slides presentation and sign into your Google account if prompted.
  2. Navigate to the slide that contains the image you want to save.
  3. Right-click on the image and select “Copy” from the menu that pops up. This copies the image to your clipboard.
  4. Now go to the “Insert” tab at the top and click “New Slide” to add a blank slide to your presentation.
  5. Right-click anywhere on the new blank slide and choose “Paste” to paste in the image you copied.
  6. Click and drag the corners of the image to resize it until it fills up the entire slide. Try to keep the original aspect ratio if you can to avoid stretching and distorting the image.
  7. With your image perfectly sized, go to the “File” tab and select “Download”.
  8. Choose the image file type you want (like JPG or PNG) and click “Download”.
  9. The slide with your image will download and save to your computer, usually in your Downloads folder unless you choose another location.

That’s it! You’ve now saved that image as a file that you can use anywhere else. Just keep in mind that if your original image wasn’t very high resolution, blowing it up to fill the slide might make it look a bit blurry or pixelated. But otherwise, this method works great in a pinch.

How to Save Images From Google Slides Using Google Keep?

Did you know Google Slides connects with Google Keep? It’s another built-in way to quickly save images from your slides.

Here’s how:

  1. Open your Google Slides presentation and find the slide with the image.
  2. Right-click the image and look for the option that says “Save to Keep”. Click that.
  3. This sends the image straight to Google Keep (Keep is like Google’s version of sticky notes). It’ll make a new note with your image in it.
  4. To get the image from Keep, open up Google Keep in a new tab.
  5. Find the new note with your image, right-click the image, and select “Save Image As”.
  6. Choose where you want to save the image on your computer and click “Save”.

So easy, right? I love how quick this method is. You just have to remember to go to Google Keep after to download the image. But it’s a nice way to save images and keep a visual note about where it came from!

How to Save Images From Google Slides Using Google Docs?

For our next trick, we’ll use Google Docs! Why? Because Google Docs can download images and the document text together in a handy zip file.

Pretty cool. Let’s try it:

  1. Fire up that trusty Google Slides presentation again and navigate to the slide with your image.
  2. Right-click the image and hit “Copy” to load it to your clipboard.
  3. Now open a new tab and go to Google Docs. Make a new blank document.
  4. In the blank doc, right-click and select “Paste” to paste in your image from Google Slides.
  5. To download everything, go to the “File” tab and hover over “Download”.
  6. Select “Web Page (.html, zipped)” from the download options.
  7. This will download a zip file containing your Google Doc and any images in it as separate files!
  8. Go to your downloads and unzip that file to access your image.

I like this method because you can save multiple images from Google Slides in the same Doc, and then download them all at once. Saves a lot of time if you need to reuse several images! The only extra step is unzipping the downloaded file, but that’s easy to do.

How to Download Google Slides Images Using a Note-Taking App?

Our last method uses note-taking apps like Evernote, OneNote, etc. As long as the app can handle pasted images, this will work!

I’ll demonstrate with Evernote:

  1. In Google Slides, right-click your image and copy it.
  2. Open Evernote and make a new note.
  3. In the new note, paste the image using Ctrl+V (or Cmd+V on a Mac).
  4. Hover over the image in Evernote. See the three little dots in the corner? Click those.
  5. From the menu, choose “Save As” if you’re in the Evernote app. If you’re using Evernote in a web browser, select “Save”.
  6. If you used “Save As”, pick where you want the image file to go and hit “Save”. If you use “Save”, the image will download to your default folder.

And there you go! The image is saved. I like this method because if I’m already using Evernote or another note app to jot down ideas about my slides, I can easily save my images there too. Very handy and keeps things organized.

Tips for Saving High Quality Images

When you’re saving images from Google Slides, you want them to look just as good as the originals. Here are some pro tips to keep your images crisp and clear:

  • Start with high-resolution images: The better the original image in your slide, the better it will look when you save it. Always try to use high-resolution images in your presentations.
  • Check your export settings: When downloading images, look for options to adjust the image quality or resolution. Choose the highest settings available for the best results.
  • Consider your final use: Think about how you’ll reuse the saved image. If it’s just for a small web graphic, you might be okay with medium resolution. But if you plan to print the image or blow it up large, aim for the highest resolution possible.
  • Avoid stretching small images: If your original image is small, don’t enlarge it to fill the whole slide before saving. This can make the final image look stretched and blurry. Crop the slide around the image instead for a cleaner look.
  • Use the original image type if you can: If your slide image is a PNG file, save it as a PNG. If it’s a JPG, save it as a JPG. Keeping the same image type can help preserve the quality.

Comparison of Image Saving Methods:

Not sure which method to use for saving your images?

Here’s a quick comparison:

Method Pros Cons
Download Tool Quick and easy, downloads image as its file Have to save one slide/image at a time
Google Keep Fast way to save without leaving Slides, syncs across devices Requires extra step of going to Keep to download
Google Docs Can save multiple images at once in a zip file Involves a few more steps, have to unzip the downloaded file
Note-Taking App Convenient if already using the app, can add notes to go with images May have limited image editing/exporting options

As you can see, each method has its strengths. I recommend trying them all to see which one fits your workflow best!

FAQs About Saving Images from Google Slides:

Before we wrap up, let’s go over some frequently asked questions about saving images from Google Slides.

  • Q: Can I save images from Google Slides on my phone or tablet?

A: Yes! The Google Slides app for Android and iOS lets you save your slides as images using the Download function. Just make sure to save the image in a place you can access later, like Google Drive.

  • Q: What if I want to save an image without the background?

A: To save an image with a transparent background, first make sure your original image has a transparent background. PNG files often support transparency. When you save the image from Google Slides, choose PNG as the file type.

  • Q: Will saving the same image multiple times affect the quality?

A: Downloading the same image over and over shouldn’t make a noticeable difference in quality as long as you’re saving at the same resolution each time. Just be careful not to enlarge small images too much, as that can cause pixelation.

  • Q: Are there any extensions that can help save images from Google Slides?

A: Yes! There are several Chrome extensions and add-ons designed to make saving images from Google Slides even easier. Some good ones to try are “Image Extractor for Slides” and “Slides Toolbox”. Just be sure to read reviews and check permissions before installing any new extension.

  • Q: What if I need to save a lot of images from a presentation?

A: If you need to save many images at once, I recommend the Google Docs method described earlier. Copy and paste all the images you want into a single Google Doc, then download the whole thing as a zipped web page. This bundles all the images together in one handy folder.

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Well folks, there you have it! Four easy ways to save images from your Google Slides presentations.

Whether you use the built-in download function, save to Google Keep, turn your slides into a Google Doc, or use a note-taking app, you’ve got options.

The key is to start with high quality original images and pick the saving method that works best for your needs.

Don’t forget to consider the image resolution and file type for the best results.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to reuse your favorite presentation images anywhere, anytime. Happy saving!

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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