CourseHero Downloader 2023 [CHDL Extension]


Course Hero is a website for American students where they can sign up and view reports and assignments made by experts. I want to tell you about a tool called the CourseHero Downloader 2023 with CHDL Chrome Extension.


This tool lets you download files without having to log in.

CourseHero Downloader 2023

CourseHero Downloader

The Course Hero Downloader 2023 offers both free and premium accounts. Free account holders can upload files and see partially blurred documents, while premium users get access to all services like unblurred documents and downloading and uploading files.

However, some users are not satisfied with the limited services of the free account. It’s there to help tutors earn from Course Hero.

There are ways to download the Course Hero Downloader through Telegram without signing up.

How to Download Course Hero Files Without Login?

To download Course Hero files officially, you need a premium account. But, there’s an easier way to do it without logging in.

In this article, we’ll discuss both the official and unofficial methods for downloading Course Hero files.

CourseHero Downloader 2023

An easy way to download Course Hero files for free is by using a downloader. To do this, you just need to copy the URL of the document you want to download and paste it into the downloader.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Course Hero document you want to download
  2. Copy the URL from the address bar
  3. Go to the downloader website
  4. Paste the URL in the download bar and click the “get link” button
  5. Follow the instructions to download the file.

CHDL Chrome Extension

You can also use a third-party extension called CHDL to download Course Hero files for free. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Download the CHDL extension
  2. Unzip the file on your device
  3. Go to chrome://extension/ on Chrome
  4. Enable developer mode and click “load unpacked”
  5. Select the min folder from where you extracted the extension’s file
  6. Once installed, the CHDL extension will show up in the extension manager
  7. Visit the Course Hero document page
  8. Right-click on the page and select CHDL >> Download this file
  9. The file will download instantly to your device.

How to Legally Download Course Hero Files?

Course Hero has two options for users: free and premium. Both options have a certain number of document points to access protected files.

Not all Course Hero files can be downloaded for free. If you download a protected file using the previous methods, it’s illegal.

To avoid confusion, you can check if a Course Hero file is free to download by following these steps:

  1. Sign up for Course Hero using your Gmail or Facebook account
  2. Find the file you want to download
  3. Open the file and scroll down to click “view all pages”
  4. The attached file will appear in a pop-up
  5. Click the “download” button on the top left to download the file

The files you download from Course Hero can be in different formats such as PDF, DOCX, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.

How to Unblur Course Hero with Course Hero Downloader 2023?

If you see a document that is blurry or not fully visible, it’s probably because you’re not a paying member of the document is for members only.

Here are some ways to see a blurred document on CourseHero:

  1. Become a member: If you’re not already a member, you can sign up and have access to all the materials on the site.
  2. Use free unlocks: CourseHero gives non-members a limited number of free unlocks to see specific documents.
  3. Ask a tutor: If you need a specific document, you can ask a tutor to upload it for you for a fee.
  4. Use another resource: If you can’t find what you need on CourseHero, you may be able to find similar materials on another platform.

It’s important to remember that using CourseHero or any other resource without proper authorization could be illegal. Always respect others’ intellectual property and use materials responsibly.

How to Get the Course Hero Premium Package?

If you have the premium version of Course Hero, you can get free unlock points. Here’s how:

  1. Upload a learning material document and get a free unlock
  2. Share the uploaded file and get another free to unlock when someone opens it
  3. Rate and review 5 documents or questions on Course Hero, and get another free unlock.

These are the ways to get more free unlock points with the premium version of Course Hero.

FAQs: CourseHero Downloader 2023

  • How to Get Free Unlock Points on Course Hero?

There are many ways to get free unlock points on Course Hero. You can upload a file, share it with others, and get points for your contributions.

  • Can You Upload Files on Course Hero?

Yes, all Course Hero users can upload educational files, even without a premium account. This also earns you free unlock points.

  • How to Unlock Course Hero Documents?

You can use your earned unlock points to access Course Hero documents. The easiest way to earn points is by uploading study material that’s approved by the Course Hero team.

  • Is Course Hero a Legitimate Site for Tutors?

Course Hero is a website that provides course materials, tutoring, and online resources to help students. It’s not a fake site. However, the quality of tutoring services may vary. Some students may find the tutoring helpful, while others may not. It’s always best to research and carefully evaluate any tutoring service before using it.


That’s all the information about the CourseHero Downloader 2023. We hope this article was helpful and gave you all the details you need to know about downloading and installing it.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with others so they can benefit from it too.

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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