How Can Technology Help You Boost Conversions And Sales?


Technology and companies go hand in hand in the twenty-first century. Establishing a business without using technology might be risky and not using technology can stop the Boost Conversions And Sales. Whether your organization is product or service-oriented, technology plays a critical role in every sector.


Technology not only benefits small business owners greatly but also boosts income. Technology is used for everything, from brand promotion to data storage. All of these advantages help your business be more effective and productive.

Achieving high sales and conversions is impossible if your team supports and engages with customers via dated techniques. You must include innovative technologies that will help you boost your sales and conversions. Technology will increase profits and help your company cut costs by reducing human resources.

How Can Technology Help You Boost Conversions And Sales?

Boost Conversions And Sales

In short, technology will take over the jobs done manually by the workers in an organization. Let’s look at how technology can help you boost conversions and sales of your business in the shortest possible time.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the future of business in a digital world. From the start of your company to every point in time, AI will help you increase your sales and conversions. Do you know you can effectively manage data using AI? AI enables the sales team to perform tasks like product data categorization by using online tools and software.

AI-incorporated platforms help organizations make better decisions as they have more data on hand, which is easily predicted while making important decisions. It further helps design products that can be crossed or up-sell to increase sales and conversion rates of a business.

  1. Social Media Automation

Your online presence will increase the number of sales and conversions for your business. More than 4 billion people use social media, including WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Hence, social media is among the top marketing channels for garnering sales. But creating social media marketing plans and executing them can be tough. To ensure consistency, you must create a content calendar discussing the product/service you offer and its benefits.

Moreover, you must carefully look at the conversations in your follower’s community, i.e., your comments and DMs. It takes a lot of work, especially when you have to do it for several social networking platforms.

Technology has made this easier for us now. Apps like Hootsuite can help you quickly get this work done without a whole team looking after it. These apps help sales teams easily extract consumer data and offer personalized and customized goods according to their preferences. For example, suppose a customer frequently purchases black clothes. In that case, you can automate emails/messages to them by referring them to black products from your merchandise. Before opting for this option, do a lot of research to find the best technique to automate your social media channels, boosting income and conversion rates.

  1. Chatbots

Dealing with every customer from a massive pool can be difficult. A human cannot answer every query of so many customers at one time. Hence, online robots known as chatbots can make your life easy by responding to similar questions that different customers ask.

You can accomplish two goals by creating a chatbot that responds to the most frequently requested inquiries. Customers get their questions addressed, and you have more time to focus on growing your company. A Facebook Messenger chatbot is one great option. Facebook allows for the creation of chatbots, although doing so would need familiarity with the API’s more complex processes. You may build your chatbot using a drag and drop menu on platforms like ManyChat or Chatfuel. Chatbots can help you retain most of your customers.

  1. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing aids sales teams in increasing productivity and agility. When sales data is kept on cloud servers, the functional flexibility, compatibility, and communication amongst employees of a marketing team are significantly boosted.

Additionally, it creates opportunities for working remotely, enabling marketers to focus their efforts on completing transactions and lead conversions while making better use of their time. Moreover, storing data on cloud servers increases scalability and protects data to be more affordable. CRM software for sales hosted in the cloud will soon be taken into account by companies.

  1. SEO with Voice Search

As we advance in digital platforms and people become more used to digital trends, voice search will become increasingly popular. Consumers prefer telling their queries through voice commands rather than typing them out. It not only saves time but is a more straightforward method. Hence, A site must be speech search optimized and SEO-optimised to increase lead generation.

The corporate environment is gradually changing to become a speech-first market. Optimizing your company website to show up in speech search results is a radical departure from typical lead generation. Your website’s content will be optimized for SEO in an effort to become one of the top results. With voice search, however, your content must be created so that it is the only result that appears. The secret to voice search SEO is the usage of long-tail phrases that precisely answer the queries consumers may be asking.

Your website’s authority is enhanced by pages with site credibility, language processing, privacy, and upkeep for reviews and comments, which increases your likelihood of appearing in voice control. You gain an expert reputation because of these variables, which increases the likelihood that search engines will believe what you have to say.


Technology is changing the way consumers shop online. Therefore, you should make your sales funnel more tech-savvy for salespeople to close deals successfully. Consider the suggestions mentioned in this article based on what suits your business model.

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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