5 Password Security Risks & How to Avoid Them?


Password Security Risks – Globalization has increased the demand for the Internet, hence the necessity of installing various gadgets for Wi-Fi, Broadband, etc. Along with this has increased threatening cyber frauds. Here, the need for passwords and OTPs arises. But passwords accompany their own risks.


Sometimes, we choose too weak passwords, and forgetting them is also a usual deed. Sometimes we note all our passwords but in every unsafe place which possesses high vulnerabilities for our personal data. Password management solution is what falls correctly at this place.

Password management services empower end-users anytime and anywhere. The various services include self-service password reset, password synchronization, single sign-on, and multifactor authentication.   

5 Password Security Risks & How to Avoid Them?

Password Security Risks

Of course, password management is a solution that fortunately exists, but getting access to someone’s passwords isn’t that easy. Thus, high-security IT companies need robust password policies to identify weak user accounts. Discovering everything before the attacker gets access is a need. Let’s have a look at 5 password security risks.  

  • Phishing/Sniffers  

It is the most convenient way, and most hackers bypass the password authentication process in this. Attackers target users by tricking them into someone to make them type their passwords in some harmful malware websites which they moderate. They use unencrypted wired or wireless networks for this. Reading traffic on unsafe networks can easily steal credentials from target users.  

  • Cracking/Brute Force  

It is another common way where software is used to generate millions of passwords. Automated tools are used here. Then each generated password is tried to access the user’s account and data. They repeat the process till the correct password is found.   

Brute force is when an attacker tries all combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols as per the rules for specific passwords. They do this until the acceptable and correct password is detected.  

  • Weak Passwords  

Users who have to create passwords on their own are less likely to create secure passwords. This is because most users wish to choose a password that’s safe to remember and sometimes opt for platforms that lack basic updated password security practices. In addition, most of us often use our names and birth dates as specifications. Thus, it becomes relatively easy for users to remember these passwords. Thus, such weak and insecure passwords can easily be cracked.  

  • Reset System/ Password recovery  

Several systems let their users reset their passwords if they have forgotten. But unfortunately, malicious threat actors can also use the same. Thus, the forgotten password mechanism must be authentic and strong.   

  • Clear Text Passwords  

It poses a serious threat to password security as credentials are exposed here, allowing unauthorized individuals to copy legit users and attain access to their accounts and systems.   

More Useful Guides:

Conclusion Drawn  

It is a bit complicated to prevent and secure passwords from the attackers, even in the case of a compromised system and application with Password Security Risks. There are various factors to consider when choosing an efficient password security management device.

Usage of multifactor authentication, password recovery, strong passwords, and encrypting system passwords are effective ways to beef up safety, so enterprises need to invest more into it to abide by stringent password protocols.  

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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