Here is What You Need To Know About DOT Number


If you are operating a trucking company for transporting any goods, registering your business in DOT (department of transportation) is necessary for you. It is crucial for trucking businesses to get a DOT number since their vehicles carry a certain amount of weight between state lines.


So, if you have started a trucking business in the USA, to be secure, you and your driver’s team must meet all legal terms that come under state law. 

Everything About DOT Number

DOT Number

If you are wondering what legal requirements you will need to operate your business successfully, this small guide will help you how to get authorized. This blog will cover the DOT certification and questions related to it.


DOT authority or certificate shows that the driver has the specific skills and competence to drive commercial trucks in the State of America.

Types of trucks that come under DOT authority or license are delivery trucks, semi-trucks, and trucks for public transportation. It is crucial for you to have a commercial driver’s license despite the truck driving license. This license will work as proof to most of the fleet drivers that the driver has DOT certification

Now the question is how a driver can become DOT certified.

To register for the DOT, you will have to ensure that all your drivers must undergo a serious commercial vehicle driving test along with a physical exam. 

The duration of the DOT license is only two years, and after that, a driver must have to reapply for this certification.

What criteria are necessary to apply for DOT?

There is a vast range of trucking activities that you can perform in the state, and it requires businesses to register for the DOT. 

These activities are stated below:

  1. Driving a commercial vehicle on interstate routes in America. 
  2. Transportation of nine to 15 passengers for compensation.
  3. Using commercial vehicles that weigh more than 10,000 pounds. 
  4.  Transporting hazardous materials interstate.
  5. Transporting passengers who are more than 16 without compensation.

You don’t have to apply for the DOT license if your line of work does not apply to these activities.

Before you use the DOT number, you can check with your state authorities to find out whether your trucking or transportation business comes under the requirement.

Let’s look at one example:

Suppose you run a mobile healthcare service using more than 10,000 pounds of heavy trucks to the rural counties interstate to provide healthcare services.

Even if the weight limit exceeds 10,000 pounds, federal law will not ask for the DOT number. It is applicable because you are operating in a single state, and you will follow the state requirement.

How much will a DOT number cost you?

No matter what size of your transport business, you can only get a single DOT number. It also depends on the FMCSA and how it looks up to your company to keep the information in one place.

Because when you have a DOT number, the government will know that you are a fleet-driven company or truck management organization.

Fortunately, the DOT number is free for all trucking or business, but if you want to apply for the MC number, it will cost you $300 for each operational class.

To register for a DOT number, you might have to hire an agent in your state since the process will take time, and you will have to wait longer. This way, you will only have to complete the testing process and filing process with the help of an agent, and its fee will cost you. 

If you are operating a small trucking company for interstate activities, you might need a DOT number. But when you get one, it will be better for you to get an MC number as well for your trucking business. 

Once you have both of the numbers, your business will be on its route to success. You will also have to make an application to check the operation of your business, and for this, you can check the top mobile application trends, which can be helpful for your transportation business.

What is the requirement to obtain a DOT number? 

To file your DOT application, the process is relatively easy. However, you still need specific documents and knowledge about the legal classification of your business to define whether you qualify for a DOT number or not. 

You will also need company operation, operation classification, and cargo classification.

Also Check: Best Transportation Management Software for Business

Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj, Founder of Geeknism worked as a Digital Marketer since 2012 and has expertise in Tech Niche. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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